I'm now one year on this date web site, and I enjoy reading all the lovely letters from each and every lady, and most of all, looking at their pictures they are all so beautiful and so sexy,,,,,,yes......you all are stunning ladies and to pick one, or two girls, is extremely difficult however, I found my girl,ANNA,and you will ask, which Anna. The right Anna will know who she is the moment she reads this blog. And yes, I want the whole world to know, im really in love with her, and I believe one day she will be mine. when that day come, this web site will be the first to know of it - another successful story of love and happiness and marriage. when you look at my pictures, you will see a man, hard looking, tough, and maybe will square some girls, but relax, deep inside me is a man who know that life is all about love, and will move mountains to assure you of his love. this love is not just love, its love base of truth, respect, sincerity, and passion yes my dear, I love hugging and kissing and holding, I love whisper nice warm words in you ear, and love to let you feel special.....good, wanted, special. and when my girl feel that special and loved, and she is happy, then I will be happy too, and I cant get enough of showing my love to you....everyday....every night......until end of my life woman are there to be treated with respect and love, and like everybody, she deserves to be treated equally, 50 - 50 foundation - SHE IS NOT JUST A HUMEN BEING. SHE IS A VERY VERY SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD. Anna, financially I will not be able to come over to you in the next 6 to 8 months, please be patience, and if you can, you welcome, yes, you welcome in my heart and in my country, south Africa. like you im tired to be alone, and need your true love and want to be with you forever. WISH IT CAN BE IN THE NEXT MONTH OR TWO So, please, take care of yourself, for me, and remember, without you im nothing, im a dead man, and you must come make me alive again my heart belongs to you now love you more and more and thank you my darling, to come into my life you are amazing sweet, kind smart you my perfect wife forever and I hope not to loose you I don't want to loose you you my air you my sunshine my star my everything love you kiss you hug you and much more