When two people get acquainted on internet and understand they have a lot in common and their feelings grow each day, you start to imagine the first real meeting! I met a man that made my heart beating so fast, and we had so much in common, we had exactly the same thoughts and likes, common views on relations and family and we fell in love at once…. With every single minute we felt the presence of each other in thoughts and in life, it is such a strong feeling of love when even though you are far away from each other, all your thoughts are filled with your beloved person and you can’t stop smiling! My beloved man Peter gave me the best present I could ever dreamt of! He came to visit me! I was so happy and excited, all these days of waiting for him seemed to last forever!I had been counting minutes till we met, it was the most happiest moment when I finally saw him! He made such a long and hard trip to see me, it was unforgettable just to look into his eyes and to have ability to hold hands and to talk all the time non stop! I prepared a surprise for my man and ordered a nice boat trip on the Dnieper river! I prepared his favorite dishes and served a nice dinner on the boat by myself! I wanted to impress him so much! There were also lots of candles I was going to lighten to create a nice romantic atmosphere! He was so happy and excited when we came to the boat, I took his hand and lead him to the front deck, the cool breeze enveloped us and we made such a nice pictures! After we went inside for a dinner and he was very excited to try my food that he liked very much! It was a fantastic evening and it made us understand that our feelings are real and this meeting made them grow more!