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Dick and his queen Olga

Each love story has its own romantic beginning. Dick several times did not answer me the message and I was very upset by this. It turned out that he was just afraid that I was too good for him. He considered me too good and beautiful ...
I think we should overcome our fears at the stages of acquaintance. Because we may lose the chance to be happy.
At this stage of life, Dick and I went through different stages of relations and now we feel very happy being together.
Of course, all this is only after that he found the courage to write to me. I thought something was wrong with me or I was not his type .. But everything turned out to be much simpler. He was simply afraid to write to me because of self-doubt
For 4 months we talked on the site. It was a very sweet and gentle conversation. He won my heart every day more and more. But I was afraid to offer him a meeting. Because I was not sure that the feelings are mutual. As a result, I still found the strength in me and did it. Guess ... He, too, had long wanted this, but was afraid to offer. As a result, our story is just beginning. We have a new stage - living together. And honestly, I am very grateful to this site. Because now I feel really happy.

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