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Donald took care of Marina

Every love story should have its own happy ending! And now my story is only in full swing!
I never thought that the man with whom you want to spend life can be found just on the Internet, I just didn’t even think about it!
And my man was, ironically, from the Internet!
Donald immediately took up the conquest of my heart! During those 7 months we talked on a dating site, he sent me flowers and sweets several times, for my birthday I received a present from him ... I was so surrounded by his attention that I simply had no choice. I fell in love with this man from letters.
For a long time our meeting could not take place, constantly some circumstance prevented us, and we even thought that maybe fate makes us a test, and maybe we should not see each other ...
But his pressure was stronger than any test.

We saw each other, it was an incredible warm meeting, and since then we finally know that fate just wanted to want to be together even more!

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