15 Dec 2023

Wish list for Christmas from Temptation🍎


Christmas, a favorite holiday since childhood. It is a pity that in adulthood it brings so little joy because of loneliness. It's so sad when my friends celebrate Christmas with their loved ones, and I still haven't met my love. I hope my future husband reads this letter and gives me a little miracle for Christmas... ✨❤️


English lessons


Miss Dior by Dior

I dream of communicating fluently in English, so that when we meet you, I can express my feelings and emotions to you. I dream that when you kiss me, I can freely talk about my feelings for you   As a woman, I want to be well-groomed and self-confident. I'm dreaming about perfume because I haven't bought it in so long. I'm just quietly jealous of friends who get perfume from their husbands.


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Ideal set with sparkling wine


Everyone loves surprises

this gift will give me the opportunity to visit my parents and give them a pleasant surprise   I really want to visit my nephews and bring them sweets for Christmas. Children love sweets so much and I want to make their dream come true!
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