03 Sep 2018

Some Key Things I’ve Discovered Through My Relationship with an Eastern European Girl

Dating with Ukrainian girls makes relationships full of care, love and respect

Over the past 12 months I’ve been in a relationship with a girl from Ukraine, and during that time believe me, I’ve discovered some interesting things. So many truths that I believed when it came to dating turned out to be wrong. Problems I experienced with girls from the West that I dated are entirely absent in this relationship. It really made me change my perspective on dating.

There are quite a few reasons behind this. Firstly, Ukrainian women have a totally different attitude and manner about them than American girls. I’ll admit that I’ve actually found that this relationship has gone above and beyond anything I could have expected in many ways, but I’m keeping my feet on the ground. The main difference is women from Eastern Europe are clever and pleasant. So, let’s go on to what I’ve observed and discovered about dating my Ukrainian girlfriend.

She Values Our Relationship

Women from Ukraine always keep relationships strong

One key thing I discovered when I was dating girls in America was that even when the girl was really interested in me, if I showed any serious interest in having a committed partnership before at least half a year had passed I could forget it. A key tactic when dating an American woman seems to be to keep her interested, carry on stringing her along until she’s begging for a closer and committed relationship with you. At all costs, avoiding making the mistake of suggesting it too quickly or you’ll find that the girl will stop respecting you. Put in basic terms, American women have too much pride to dare commit seriously to a partner before an incredibly long time has passed.

Wonder why? Well, it’s pretty simple. American women have plenty of guys to choose from. So what if those guys aren’t particular high quality, it’s quantity that matters. She needs to be able to boast about how many men are interested so she feels appreciated and that she has value.

There is a difference when it comes to single Ukrainian women. They actually value their relationship. Ukrainian girls are embarrassed to be dating someone seriously when they’ve only just met. She’ll never keep you away from her friends. in fact, she’ll been keen to introduce you so they can check you out and decide whether you meet with their approval! It’s the same when it comes to meeting her parents.

Keen to Learn

Back when I lived in America, the first couple of dates with any girl went pretty much the same way. In fact, they were almost identical. The reason why they weren’t very interesting or different lies in the fact that I always followed the pattern that worked. Introduce the idea of a deep and meaningful conversation about philosophy or politics with her, and certainly wouldn’t be getting into bed together. So, I tended to follow the same old routine again and again.

I’d arrange a date with whichever girl I was dating. We’d go to a pub, I’d buy the drinks then say she’d buy the next. We’d keep the conversation light for around quarter of an hour and then switch to more sexual topics through a string of increasingly innuendo filled questions. And yes, I’d ask the identical ones with each girl. She would get in another drink and then I’d pay for the next, ready to go at any minute. As we’d get towards the end of the third drink, I’d tell her about something that we should go back to my place, inventing a pretext based on the questions I asked. We’d walk back to my place, open some wine, chat for about half an hour and then head to bed.

That’s a pretty soulless form of dating. Of course, I don’t suggest that if you’re heading off on a first date with a woman from the Ukraine that you should start talking about the economics of 16th century farming, but the fact is that in many instances, Eastern women are just a little more curious about life than those in America. She wants to learn and widen her intellectual horizons.

She Wants to Make You Happy but She Values Independence

Neither breaking personal space nor taking control of Ukrainian women brings happiness to your relationships

One major difference between Ukrainian brides and Western ones - they’re genuinely interested in pleasing their man. But, the caveat is that somehow they make it possible at the same time as maintaining their independence. Not the independence Western feminists seem to crave. I’ve just noticed my girlfriend is a very strong woman, and she can handle life and whatever it throws at her all by herself without needing any help.

Nevertheless, she’s keen to please and bring me happiness. However, she keeps her own strength and independence and, above all, her femininity simultaneously. It’s an amazing balancing act which escapes the majority of Western women, even those who truly love you. My Ukrainian girlfriend gives me the feeling of being loved and wanted, but without being needed too much. She’s really has got the balance just right.

So, What Should You Take Away from This?

Of course it would be a lie if I said life was idyllic all the time. It’s never going to be plain sailing if you date somebody who is culturally opposite. However, in my opinion, the advantages definitely exceed the disadvantages. I’m proud to say that my girlfriend brings so much additional worth to my existence. I’ll even admit she’s helped in teaching me some new, amazing things I never knew.

During my overseas adventure, I’ve developed an appreciation for many things we take for granted in the States. However, I’m happy to confess that there’s something I definitely don’t miss. Dating American women. I think I might be being spoiled by my experience of dating my Ukrainian girlfriend. It’s just interesting to think about what could happen in the future, and whether it’ll all work out in the long term for us. I’ll make sure to keep you updated!
