03 Apr 2019

How to Fix a Broken Relationship with Your Girlfriend

What to do when Your Relationships Fall Apart? There's always a Reason to not let it Go. Know more how to Fix Broken Relationships

How to fix a broken relationship? Let’s face it. Dating can get messy. Sadly, many people give up on those they love because they don’t want to put the effort into making tangible changes, or simply because they don’t know what to do. Sharing your life with someone is always going to get complicated at some point, and it is important to realize that this is even more true for people who choose to involve themselves in a relationship with a person from a different country. People are heavily influenced by the cultural and social norms that they grow up around, so when they come from a different background, they come with a whole new set of values and preconceptions. This can make it hard for people to understand each other on an emotional level, leading to miscommunication and tension in romantic relationships. But, we all know that the best things in life are a result of patience and effort. So individuals should always strive to improve themselves and nourish their relationships, even when they feel broken.

Humans are peculiar creatures. We are all an intricate blend of our social and cultural environments, our lived experiences, and our emotions. But our contradictions also manifest in terms of gender. While men experience the world more physically and logically, women are a lot more emotionally inclined. So, naturally, relationships come with a lot of obstacles. But even when things feel like they about to be over, there is always hope, especially for those who take action. So, we have put together 7 strategies on how to fix a broken relationship. You can use these to reignite the spark you had when you first met and move forward with the person you love.

1. Show Interest

Learning to cultivate a real and active notion of interest in your other half will do wonders for your relationship. You should practice talking to them about their day, their work, and their personal projects. Try to delve deeper into these things by asking them questions about how they are feeling about certain things and why they are doing them. This will demonstrate to your boyfriend or girlfriend that you really care about them as an individual and that the relationship doesn't just revolve around you.

2. Surprise Them

It is always challenging to keep the spark in romance alive, especially when speaking of long term relationship. Showing someone that you love them is just as important as saying it, and what better way to do so than by surprising them out of the blue! You could do something as simple as picking up a bunch of their favorite flowers or a box of their favorite chocolate at work. Or perhaps even cook them a romantic dinner or take them out for a surprise date.

3. Remember the Good Times

When things start to get tough in relationships, it can be really helpful to hit the pause button, sit down, and reminisce about the amazing times you shared together when you first met and decided to start dating. This will help to give you both perspective and remind you of why you love each other.

4. Learn to Forgive

As important as it is to remember the good times, contrastingly,  it is vital that you do not dwell on the fights you have had and the mistakes you have made in the past. Healthy relationships are pretty much impossible to attain if you do not learn to let things go. You and your significant other have almost definitely both done things that have hurt the other and will probably make mistakes in the future as well. So, forgiving your partner is a huge step towards building a more emotionally stable and mutually beneficial relationship.

5. Consider Couple’s Therapy

Sometimes, when two people fall into toxic cycles of arguing about the same things over and over again, it can be extremely difficult to take and pull yourselves out of it. So, investing in some sessions with a qualified relationship counselor may not be a bad idea. There is no shame in needing someone else to intervene and offer some relationship advice. In fact, having an outside perspective has proved to do wonders for many couples.

6. Plan a Romantic Getaway

Sometimes routine can really get in the way of romance. If things are not going well with you and your partner, consider planning a romantic trip together. Even if it's just for the weekend, you’d be surprised how disconnecting yourself from your daily lives and enjoying some quality time together can really help you to push that reset button and fall back in love all over again.

7. Hold Yourself Accountable

A crucial point that you need to realize is that you will always be somewhat accountable for how your partner feels at any given moment. By taking some time to reflect on your role in this, you will not only find better ways at approaching the problems, but you will also become a better person for yourself as well as a better boyfriend in general.

It is not an easy endeavor to mend a broken relationship or heal a broken heart. In fact, fixing a failing relationship is often so inconceivable that most people give up and call it quits without really giving themselves a chance to make it work... But if you really care about the person who you are with, it is definitely worth the patience and effort that are needed to set the relationship back on the right track.. Take some time to reflect on your relationship and the particular issues that need to be resolved between you. Then you will be able to see which of the seven suggested methods are the most important ones to focus on. You just need to be consistent about remembering that it's never too late to mend a broken relationship. If you really put your mind to it, it will be worth it.
