30 Aug 2018

Top Tips for Catching the Eye of the Russian Girl of Your Dreams

Ways to attract attention of Russian girl

Before a Russian girl looks at your profile, she sees your profile picture and, while it might seem superficial, if it’s a good photo, she is more likely to want to know more. You already have an advantage over men from other countries by living in Western European or North American and you want to make sure that this advantage isn’t wasted with a poor photograph that doesn’t show you in the best light.

For your main photo, choose one that has you looking straight at the camera so that the women looking can see your face and that you aren’t trying to hide anything about your appearance. Pick a shot where you are smiling, which will make you appear friendly and approachable, and where your clothes are clean and smart. You don’t have to be wearing a suit or shirt and tie, especially if this isn’t your everyday wear, but your clothes should be presentable and show that you take care of yourself.

The rest of your profile photos should show who you are as a person. Include pictures of you doing the things you enjoy doing, which is a great way to share a quick glimpse into your hobbies and understand whether they have similar interests, be this going out to eat, spending time outdoors, playing sports, or traveling. Other photos should show you spending time with family and friends, helping the girls looking at your profile understand that you care about personal relationships and have a life she wants to be part of. These photos are especially important to Russian girls who generally hold traditional views on families.

For every photo you include, make sure you look happy, confident, and real and try to show that you take care of yourself physically. Russian women want to meet men who are fit and healthy, have a sense of humor, and are genuinely looking for love and marriage, especially if they are going to move to another country to be with this man. Because of this, it’s wise to avoid photographs where you are topless as most women find this off-putting, even if you have a good body, as it makes them think you aren’t looking for a serious relationship.

Opening Lines

How to make a Russian girl attention

Once they start reading your profile, the first thing most Russian girls look at is the about me section, so it’s important that you get this right. Remember, you are looking for love online, not meeting someone in a bar or club, so you don’t need to spell out that you are looking for women to date. Saying this takes time, time which would be much better spent catching a girl’s imagination by being interesting.

There are lots of great ways to start a profile. The best ones are where you jump right in and say something funny, smart or thought-provoking. It might be a quote that sums up your thoughts on life and what you want from it or a saying from a favorite book or film designed to start a conversation. Whatever you choose, make sure it makes a statement about who you are and what you are looking for in a relationship. Follow your quote up with a few lines that show your personality, a funny story maybe, or the reason behind your opening lines.

Let Russian Girls Know What They Are Getting and What You Want

Your profile picture will already have let women know what you look like, but they need to know a little bit more about you too. So, make sure you include enough information to help them get a clear idea of who you are and what you do. Tell them your age, where you live, what you do for a living, the type of woman you are attracted to and what you want from a relationship.

Finding the Balance

How to keep your relationships with Russian girl balanced

When a woman is looking at a profile, she wants to know about you more than anything, but she also wants to understand what you are looking for in a relationship. As a general rule, your profile should be 70% about you and 30% about the woman you hope to meet.

When you are talking about yourself, tell stories or share experiences that show who you are as a person. Link these back to the photos you have uploaded so they paint a picture. If you say you like traveling, for example, share photos of you in the places you have visited. Talk about your everyday life, what you do for work and how you feel about this. What do you enjoy about your job and where you see yourself in the future – do you want to start your own business, for example, or move up within your organization?

Let your personality shine through in your stories. Don’t get bogged down in perfect English or making yourself sound a certain way. If you do, you will come across as stilted and this might put women off wanting to talk to you. Not everyone is comfortable writing about themselves, which is why it is a good idea to talk about the things you love so your passion will shine through. It’s this passion that Russian women will be attracted to and want to know more about.

When you are talking about the woman you want to meet, be specific. What matters to you when it comes to personality type – do you want a woman who is funny, or adventurous, or serious? What values are you looking for – do you want a woman who is traditional and wants to take care of her husband and their home as well as any future children, or will you expect your wife to work and share responsibility for paying the bills? The clearer you can be, the more likely you are to find the right match and build a lasting relationship because there’ll be no surprises.

Choose Your Words Carefully

One thing to remember when you start writing is that English is not the first language of Russian women. Make sure you are clear in what you are saying, using simple words and short sentences so nothing is lost in translation. At the same time, don’t dumb down your profile to the point where it isn’t interesting, or engaging or Russian girls get the wrong idea about you and think you aren’t as intelligent as you are. It’s a fine balance but one that, if you find it, will stand you in good stead.

Stay Away from Clichés

Be yourself with your Russian or Ukrainian Girl.

There are a lot of people on dating sites looking for gorgeous Russian girls to date and a lot of these use the same words and phrases to describe themselves. This applies to Russian women too. Think about how you feel when you read a woman’s profile and it contains statements that you have read in the previous profile and the one before that. It can get old pretty quick and you are likely to skim read the rest and move on.

That doesn’t mean that these statements aren’t true, they are just over-used. Examples include saying you are caring, compassionate, accomplished. These words tend to be abstract and could mean different things to different people. Think about other ways to say what you want to say. Instead of saying you like to have fun, for example, you might want to say you are passionate about experiencing new things and then talk about what these are so girls get a real feel for who you are and what it would be like to date you. At the same time, be careful not to exaggerate. Russian women want men who are honest and will be cautious of claims that sound too good to be true.

The more detail you can give, the more real and rounded you will become to the women reading your profile. It will help them understand if you have anything in common and if there is a chance of a good match. No one using online dating sites wants to waste their time, or that of other people, by making contact when there is little chance of the relationship going further. If a woman can see that you share common interests and that your values when it comes to family and relationships are similar, she is more likely to respond to you if you express interest.


The online dating world is a busy one, full of people looking for love, especially with gorgeous Russian girls. By following the steps in this article, you can make sure you stand out from the crowd, showing the women you are interested in meeting that you are warm, generous, funny and someone they would love to have as a husband.
