What are women afraid of?
id: 10011793
Men and women differ from each other not only with their psychological characteristics but also with apprehensions, anxieties and different fears. And while men more than anything are afraid of the fiasco in professional and intimate spheres of life, the women's fears seem to be more primitive. But on the other hand, they are no less significant for each of us.

Fear of motherhood.

Although women’s thoughts seem to men chaotic and unstable, but still they are all ordered and categorical. For example, if woman scheduled to give birth to the age of thirty, each time after unprotected sexual intercourse she’s overcome by the fear of unplanned pregnancy. She is afraid of unscheduled responsibility and radical changes in her life no less than men are. Therefore the fear of unplanned pregnancy is considered to be the biggest one in the life of modern lady.

The causes of fear of an unplanned pregnancy can be directly connected with the following, not less anxious apprehension.

Fear of loneliness.

How to find a worthy partner in life, how to marry him, and most importantly - how to hold him next to you and not get bored? That is the main issue which generates the next fear - fear of loneliness. Today a worthy man in every woman's life is a great value and occasion for endless concerns. For the sake of those rare "specimen" we are ready for everything. Throughout life we’re overcome by fears – will we meet our prince, and later – will we be able to hold him, and most important - will he be a good father to future children?

This fear is primarily associated with the question of choice. Many women are obsessed with doubts about the correctness of the choice of men. No matter how we try to make the right choices and devise tactics to retain men, fear of loneliness will not disappear as long as each of us will learn to love herself. Fear of loneliness can easily vanish if you love yourself first, and then - a decent man.

Fear of aging.

This fear arises virtually in every woman who oversteps the boundary between youth and maturity. Closer to thirty years many of women become more insecure in their own attractiveness. Statistics says that the Slavic women faster than others apply preventive measures in the fight against aging. Many ladies, for example, start using anti-aging care products for face to 30 years, while abroad anti-age cosmetics are used after 50 years. Not surprisingly that the fear of losing attractiveness is closely linked with the fear of losing a man.

The best way to combat this fear is preventive measure. But it doesn’t include the using of anti-aging cosmetics; it includes healthy lifestyle and most important - a lot of positive emotions. After all, a woman who exudes happiness and good mood will always look attractive and sexy in men's eyes.