In order to find love, it is not enough just to want it.
I believe that perfect people do not exist. I believe that people can seem perfect as long as we want them to be. Our opinions about everything around us are based on prejudices, principles. Few people these days have their own personal opinions. When I see someone say beautiful words, express intelligent thoughts, I know that the person is repeating someone else. Someone is imitating someone. You know what I mean?
In order to find love, it's not enough to want it. You would think, what does this have to do with anything? It's very simple. People, when they fall in love, imitate themselves from the past. Everyone these days is trying to find the formula for love, the right equality. The conditions under which everything will be perfect. I read a lot of profiles on Find Bride and everyone thinks it's right to put up a set of conditions that their "perfect" woman should meet. Really? THE PERFECT WOMAN? What are you even talking about? How perfect are YOU to your woman?
There are so many people who make themselves look perfect on their personal profile. "Don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs." Is that your ideal? Is that what you think all womans are looking for? How wrong you are! A girl doesn't need the perfect man! And you don't need the perfect girl! You know what every person really needs?
Every person really needs to be loved. Every person really needs to be looked at by his other half in a way that no one has ever looked at before! The thought of what a great person is next to you right now would send shivers down your spine. And how much he/her loves you!
In order to find love, all you have to do is be yourself, not imitate a non-existent ideal.
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