10 rules of a woman in love with her life
id: 10044831

1. Live in your own rhythm
Each stage of life is unique and unique. It is stupid to worry about the fact that a successful project is being implemented without you, or that professional terms are being erased from your memory, if you can enjoy this magical time when children are just crumbs. After all, it will fly by so quickly.

2. Love your body
If you go to the mirror and carefully look at your reflection, realizing and feeling every inch, you can see the prints of the days you have lived, the amazing story of your own life. Here is a scar on his knee, which was left from a fall from a bicycle in the second class on the very day when the neighbor Kolya confessed his love. But the wrinkles around the eyes from a lot of smiles, sincere and real.

This beautiful body protects your heart and soul. It deserves to be loved.

3. Don't dramatize
A permanent feeling of happiness and euphoria is more abnormal than the other way around. But there are many other states: calmness and pleasant enthusiasm, satisfaction from the past day and anticipation of a new day...

4. Do not strive to meet someone's expectations
The mission of "please everyone" is absurd and impossible. It is much more pleasant to allow others to evaluate themselves and hang labels as much as they want, without attaching any importance to it. In the meantime, do what you want.

5. Be in harmony with your desires
Not everyone can understand their desires, and not everyone can implement them. However, the most delightful thing is to find harmony between the call of the heart and the voice of the mind.

Allow yourself to be weak, but without fanaticism. Strive for your landmarks, but do not forget to enjoy life. Eat this eclair with vanilla cream and become happier.

6. Love your age
Don't you think it's time to put all the "it's too early" and "it's too late"in the past? And live in your real age, because, despite the fact that each pore has its pros and cons, the determining factor is unchanged-our individuality.

To get a scientific degree at 24, to give birth to your first child at 43, to go surfing at 52-it all depends on the woman and only her sense of herself at one time or another.

7. Put yourself first
Remember the beaten path: "In case of depressurization of the passenger compartment, first put the oxygen mask on yourself, then on the child." This instruction has already become a parable, but the fact remains that it is impossible to help another person when you are lying unconscious.

To share something, you need to have it. That is why it is so important to take care of yourself and your health, to fill yourself and your life first of all.

8. Not only to help, but also to accept help
Oh, how difficult it is not to speed up the pace when a stranger in the supermarket offers to carry heavy bags to the car. Or ask a colleague to figure out why the scanner is frozen, instead of opening the instructions and fixing everything yourself.

However, they say that accepting someone's help with a smile is not only useful, but also very pleasant.

9. Don't be afraid to be alone with yourself
The pleasure of moments not of solitude, but of undivided attention to oneself cannot be overestimated. Every minute alone with yourself and only your thoughts is a source of recuperation and filling with meaning.

If you invite yourself to a cozy cafe on a Sunday morning for a cup of latte, you can discover a new grandiose goal in life at a table by the window.

10. Feel like a woman
We are all very different, and in the phrase "to be a woman" each puts something different. However, to accept your femininity as a privilege and a blessing of fate is a special, incomparable feeling that is important to appreciate and cultivate in all its senses and manifestations.
