Kindred souls, soulmates & twin flames...age gap rule
id: 3523559

Hello time to write another blog.
So I read some articles om the topic in my headline.

A kindred soul (spirit) is someone you share similar values,
morals, and goals with.
A soulmate is someone who shares and supports you in life
in healthy positive ways.
A twin flame is your other half, the parts of yourself that are missing that are in someone else. Apparently you only have one twin flame, who you may not have met in your life.
All these are souls who generally help you to grow in life.
Ideally a soulmate is the ideal person to meet.
You could still get hurt by your soulmate if he/she is going through pain unresolved.

Age gap rule; so you take your age divide it in half and add
7 years. This number will be minimum age person to be with. For example, I'm 50, so half would be 25, add 7 would be 32, someone no younger than 32 yrs of age is acceptable for a person of my age.
Although, any age could be somebody's friend.

Thanks for reading.
