What is internal emigration?
This is a refusal to participate in the political and public life of the state.
Imagine a person who is dissatisfied with the current state of affairs in the country. He does not like the government with its methods and the general direction in which his fellow citizens are moving. If he takes an active position, then he basically has two ways: to fight for his views or to leave.
As a result, such a person finds a way out in internal emigration. He does not fight for anything and chooses a passive role — not to participate in everything that happens around him. For example, not to vote in elections, to minimize social connections, to refuse to read the news and discuss socially significant topics. That is, he internally leaves the country and breaks all contacts with it.
The presence of such a belief allows a person to stop wasting their mental resource on experiences and gives them the opportunity to focus on actual tasks. In general, it can be said that internal emigration is a defensive strategy that helps to avoid a tense topic and push it out of the field of attention.
How does internal emigration affect a person?
Bad news can exacerbate depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. And this sometimes happens, even if the injustice or some horrors do not affect the person directly.
When discussing internal emigration, one cannot avoid comparisons with traditional emigration. Moving to another country is usually of two types:
Emergency-a person flees from something, for example, from persecution, and in this case he does not have time to think, just to escape.
Full-time-a person rationally approaches the move, considers the pros and cons of the destination country and generally decides to take this step with open eyes.
The situation is similar with internal emigration. If a person, as they say, "does not take out" the situation right now, feels how panic and anxiety are growing, which prevent him from living, then an emergency escape is quite like him. Yes, it will look as if he sat in a corner, covered his eyes with his hands, sees no one and imagines that no one notices him. But for a while, distancing yourself from everything that is happening can be an effective way to get out of an anxious state and regain your resource.
If this is not an escape, but a rational "move", then a person can decide what exactly is happening "not his war" and what he will give up in order to feel better, but not to lose involvement in public life in general. For example, not to stop reading the news, so as not to be in an information vacuum, but to make a list of sources and choose the time to study them. And in the rest of the period-do not create conditions in which there is a risk of "falling off".
It is worth moving towards becoming a mature and self-sufficient person. There is beauty in life, but there is also negativity. What to focus on is our choice. Therefore, there is only one way out: to work out your anxiety and learn to live in harmony with yourself.
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