Many people will say that love at a distance does not exist. They cannot imagine their morning without a loved one. As soon as they wake up, they immediately need his presence, they need to hear a voice, squeeze their hand lightly, kiss gently, even more tenderly, touch their cheeks and smile at their sleepy eyes. It is important for them to be near, the physical presence of a partner confirms that there is love, that they are not alone, they are loved, and their feelings are mutual. How do you feel it at a distance? How to feel her, this love? Love is actions, not words. And from a distance, it turns into beautiful metaphors and juicy promises. But is this love? Many people do not give love at a distance the right to exist. They laugh at her and do not believe in her sincerity. That's in vain. They just do not know that love has different guises, it is always real, but only lovers can feel it.
The main condition for love at a distance is trust.
This is important for all relationships, but for long-distance relationships it is urgently needed. Love will live as long as you trust.
Love exists at a distance. But she always strives for one thing - in the end to be together. How long it will hold out in this status and whether it will move to another level is up to you.
I wish every single person to meet their true love
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