When a person wants to be together, none of your shortcomings will interfere with him. When a person wants to leave, none of your virtues will hold him back.
No matter how ugly and unattractive you are, there is someone who will like you. As good and desirable as you are, there is someone who will reject you.
If you are rejected, it means nothing. You do not get worse or less, nothing terrible actually happens. Your man is in the world, and he will accept you.
If you are accepted, one day you will part - not in life, so in death. Cherish what you have, do not regret what you will lose, and do not be afraid to lose.
Rejoice that there is a person who shines for you. Shine yourself: the more light - the less fear, the less fear - the less darkness in the soul.
A leaf that wants to return to the tree can swim against the current and fly against the wind. But the tree will not grow it to the old branch.
The more you love, the more you give love, the more remains. If, while giving love, you feel pain or hatred, it means that you gave a person poison in chocolate glaze. It is hardly worth demanding gratitude for such a gift.
Let go. Let the person be someone other than the mirror of your love - all the more so as it is. Dissolving in a loved one is a rare talent and a rare curse. Be yourself, be worthy, forget about fear - one day it will return anyway. But not today.
Believe it. Trust. Gray. Thank you. Do not think about what may be - only about what is here and now, in fire and water, under the stars.
Leave before dead love smells of carrion. Come before desire turns into obsession.
What is bought with money only costs money. That which is begged, cried out, taken away and stolen will one day be taken away a hundredfold. What is given of the free will, from the heart, is priceless.
How do you recognize your person? Simply. You will go to meet and collide with him in the middle of the road. He did not know. You didn't call. You were found. And wherever you went before, you are now on your way.
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