1.Be real.
Remember the commercial? A girl comes on a date and overhears a young man waiting for her say to someone on the phone, "No, I haven't found one yet. After all, I'm looking for the real one!" The girl quickly changes her appearance, becomes "real" and makes a wonderful impression on the young man. Who would have thought it would be like this in life?
2. Smile sincerely.
The only requirement for your smile: it must be sincere. How, you may ask, can you ever smile at a total stranger, and even sincerely? Just think about the fact that you are sincere right now! You are sincerely glad that you came to the meeting, and here he is, already waiting for you, and you are really happy to see him, aren't you?
3. Keep it simple.
Take things lightly. Experience shows that a person who is too focused on the result, the chances of achieving it dramatically decreases. It's inexplicable, but it's a fact. Perhaps, though, it's all about excessive tension. It does not decorate anybody. And our task is to present ourselves so that the person wants to see you again. Or even more than once!
4. Don't be afraid to ask.
But ask about what's really important or interesting for you. Psychologists say that people love to talk about themselves. And it's a sin not to take advantage of that! Seeing your genuine interest, she perks up and becomes more relaxed.
5. Believe in yourself.
This rule should become an axiom for you. Love for yourself, adequate self-esteem and belief in your own strength are the main components of your future success. And not just on the first date. These qualities form your inner core of a stable in life person. And they are the basis of your charisma and attractiveness. If you are the lucky owner of this magnificent combination, feel free to make a date. The date will be a success!
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