What should be done to prevent sports injuries?
id: 3096291

What should be done to prevent sports injuries?
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Regular activity is very important for a healthy life. However, the exercise should not harm the person, but should provide benefits. How to give first aid in sports injuries?
How do sports injuries feel? What should be done as first aid in sports injuries? The most common injuries...
Although doing sports is very beneficial for health, unconscious sports activities also bring injuries. No matter what you do, it is impossible to prevent injuries in sports. However, we can minimize this by paying attention to certain aspects. In extensive studies, it has been determined that sports injuries are seen 25% less when certain issues are paid attention to.

Can injuries and injuries be prevented in sports?
First of all, our physical condition must be suitable for the sport. If you are going to do a sport, you should do enough training. Regular workouts suitable for your sport will make you fit for the sport you are doing and the injury rate will decrease.

You must know the rules of the sport very well. This is especially important in contact sports. The rate of injury increases in sports performed without following the rules.

How do sports injuries feel? What should be done as first aid in sports injuries? The most common injuries...
They should dress appropriately for the sport and use appropriate equipment.
According to the sport we do, we should use protective equipment on our knees, hands, eyes, teeth and head. The supports in the shoes we wear should always be reviewed.

Rest is a very important issue in the prevention of injuries. We observe an increase in the rate of injury after a tired sport. In the same way, doing the same sport for a long time, or continuing another competition after a competition will always be harmful to our body. It should never be forgotten that our body should rest first and then we should continue sports.

Before each sportive activity, a good warm-up and stretching should be done. Warm-ups and stretches make you suitable for the sport you will do, that is, they prepare you for the sport you will do.

How do sports injuries feel? What should be done as first aid in sports injuries? The most common injuries...
You should take a break from sports when you are tired or in pain. Pain indicates to you that there is a problem. If you go over it, you may face injuries that will cause serious problems later on.

Unfortunately, in recent days, dozens of Achilles tendon ruptures have been seen and operated, after wearing the wrong shoes, not using support, and continuing sports despite having pain.

What are the most common injuries?
Tightening or breaking of ligaments
knee injuries
ankle ligament injury
Achilles tendon injury
Adele's injuries
stress fractures
Fractures and dislocations

How do sports injuries feel?
Sudden and severe pain and swelling in the joint or injured area, inability to step on the leg or thigh, inability to move the joint, deformity in that area may occur in case of fracture or dislocation.

It should not be forgotten that if any injury occurs during sports, sports activity or exercise should be terminated immediately.

What should be done as first aid in sports injuries?
We must stop our sport immediately. Then we should apply a compression bandage to the injured area and apply ice compresses on it. If we have a problem in the lower extremity, we should never put weight on it. Afterwards, we should definitely see a doctor and have the injuries that can cause serious problems later on, and have them treated immediately and in a short time.

What should be considered before starting sports?

Sports should be done for your health. However, if it is not done properly and according to the rules, we will face injuries. It should be checked whether the sports we do for our health are suitable for our body, whether we have the appropriate equipment for that sport, the suitability of the ground to do sports, warm-up and stretching movements should be done before the sports and never go out for sports on a full stomach.
