6 stretches that non-sports people should do
id: 3096291

6 Stretches That Non-Sports People Should Do


Many people today have a very busy lifestyle. When this is the case, it can be much more difficult than expected to allocate time to the gym. People who spend their hours at desk jobs and sedentary may have to grapple with various health problems in later ages. So what should be done to prevent these health problems, is it possible to do sports without going to the gym, what are the movements that will keep your body vigorous? We have written the answers to all these questions for you.

Here are 6 stretching exercises that those who do not do sports should definitely do...

1. To stretch your neck area

Sit on a flat surface where you can comfortably stretch and move your head forward and backward, then to the right and left. But here, after moving your neck by turning it in one direction, you should remember to look forward by returning it to the center point. After the first move you make, continue to apply the same method by turning your head in other directions.

2. To stretch your shoulder area

After the neck movement, you can move on to the shoulder stretching without getting up from your seat. Bring your arm in the opposite direction, towards your other chest, and don't forget to support it with your other arm. Then do the same movement with your other arm.

3. To stretch your back

Let's continue with a stretching movement, which is very important for those who work at desk jobs. Extend your arms forward while sitting. Clasp your hands and fingers together with your palms facing forward. Try to pull your back as far back as possible while stretching your arms forward as much as possible. You should feel your muscles tense as you do this move. Otherwise, you are doing the movement wrong!

4. To stretch your front legs

Now we stand up! Make sure to stand up and keep your balance. First, lift one foot slightly back and try to bring it as close to your hip as possible using your hand. Don't forget to do the same movement with your other leg after you balance it!

5. To stretch your hind legs

We're back to sitting position! Extend one leg forward. Fix your other leg with your hand so that it is parallel to the kneecap of your other leg. After taking this position, try to hold your foot by reaching forward with your hand. Don't forget to do the same with your other leg!

6. To stretch your waist

Lie on your back on the ground. Grab one leg by your kneecap and pull it towards you. Don't forget to repeat this move with your other leg!
