Does chocolate extend life? here are the benefits
id: 3096291

Does Chocolate Extend Life? Here are the Benefits of Chocolate
i love chocolate cakes with different fruits i love to taste different flavors of the world BÜLENT

If you find it impossible to imagine a life without chocolate, the research conducted at Harvard University School of Medicine will make you smile. A 13-year study conducted on 55,000 people living in Denmark revealed that eating dark chocolate has positive effects on the heart. While I was happy with this news, I wanted to review all the benefits of chocolate. Let's see if chocolate prolongs life thanks to the benefits it provides. Before I forget, the dark dark chocolate I'm talking about here.BÜLENT

Very High Nutritional Value

The nutritional value of dark chocolate with a high cocoa ratio is quite high. 100 grams of chocolate, which is rich in fiber and minerals, contains 11 grams of fiber, 67 percent iron, 58 percent magnesium, 89 percent copper, 98 percent manganese and plenty of selenium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc.

An Excellent Source of Antioxidants

The antioxidant in chocolate is even higher than in acai berries and blueberries, which are known to be high sources of antioxidants. The flavonoid found in chocolate, which is a kind of antioxidant, plays an active role in stopping free radicals that damage cells.

Protects Your Heart Health

Studies conducted at the Cleveland Clinic show that flavanols play an active role in lowering blood pressure and regulating blood circulation. It is also known that chocolate raises good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol. Apart from these, magnesium and flavones in chocolate also regulate the heartbeat.

Reduces Diabetes Risk

Dark chocolate, which increases insulin sensitivity, protects you against diabetes. Flavonoids reappear and form a gas called nitric oxide, which controls insulin sensitivity.

Good for the Brain

Studies conducted at the University of Nottingham emphasize that chocolate is good for the brain and increases brain power. Dark chocolate, which causes a three-hour increase in blood flow to the brain, is also good for memory.

Relieves Stress

Thanks to dark chocolate, we can fight the stress that reduces our quality of life considerably. A study on pregnant women at the University of Helsinki in Finland proves this. A group of women who ate dark chocolate during pregnancy and women who never ate chocolate during pregnancy were brought together after giving birth and asked to comment on their children's behavior. It has been revealed that the babies of women who eat chocolate over 6 months are much happier, while the babies of women who are stressed are more fearful and stressed.

Provides Weight Control

Fiber-loaded dark chocolate keeps you full and gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time. Those who prefer to eat dark chocolate instead of eating harmful snacks stay away from junk food because they feel full for a long time.

Protecting Your Skin

The flavonoids in dark chocolate protect the skin against harmful UV rays with their antioxidant properties. In addition, it expands the arteries and increases the amount of blood going to the skin, allowing you to have a healthier skin appearance.

Makes You Feel Happier

Caffeine, serotonin, endorphins and phenylethylamine in dark chocolate make you feel much better.
