There are over 125 trillion neural connections in the human brain. The same number of stars will fit into 1,500 galaxies the size of the Milky Way.
Any atom is 99.99% void, so almost the entire universe is a solid void, including the human body and all objects around us.
The human body is constantly replacing its cells. It is completely renewed every ten years. Thus, now you have with you, only ten years ago, no more in common than with any other person (in the purely material sense, of course).
At the same time, your body has more bacteria than its own cells (by number). But the total mass of bacteria in the human body is only a few kilograms.
Like the annual rings of trees, the concentric rings on the shields of the turtle's shell can be used to determine its age.
During the construction of the Egyptian pyramids in the III millennium BC, about 30 million people lived on the entire Earth. Currently, the population of the Earth is increasing annually by about 80 million people.
The Egyptian pyramids were as ancient to the inhabitants of Ancient Rome as the Roman Empire itself is to us today.
Some of the roads in Italy, built in the days of the Roman Empire, still serve people regularly, requiring absolutely no repair or maintenance.
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