The best-selling product in history at the moment is the Rubik's cube, which, by the way, has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible different configurations.
A randomly shuffled 52 deck of ordinary playing cards will contain these cards in an order that has never been stacked anywhere before. The fact is that the number of possible combinations of the arrangement of cards in the deck is equal to the factorial of the number 52, and this is very, very much, approximately 8 ∙ 1067. Thus, the probability of repeating one of the combinations of the arrangement of cards, which took place in the past, is negligible (unless you consciously reproduce the repeated combination).
Oxygen is necessary for combustion, and hydrogen is a combustible gas, but together they make up water, which not only does not burn, but can also extinguish fire.
Before the eraser was invented, pencil notes and drawings were erased with bread.
Peanut butter turns into diamonds under incredible pressure.
If you shout at a mug for 10 years, then the received sound energy should be enough to boil the water in it (it's a pity that the loss of the same energy during such boiling, associated with heat exchange with the environment, will not allow the mug even heat up).
As strange as it may be, the brain itself invented a name for itself (ie the word "brain"), and a scientist studying the structure of atoms is nothing more than atoms trying to understand their structure.
The sound can be seen. The blast wave generated by a violent explosion can compress air to such a density that it casts a full shadow.
Scientists still haven't figured out what the physiological cause of yawning is. According to one theory, when yawning, a person receives a large portion of oxygen, with its lack in the body. On the other hand, an overheated brain reduces its temperature in this way. But no theory has been conclusively proven. However, it has been statistically proven with absolute certainty that yawning is contagious. A person is more likely to yawn when they see someone yawning, or when they hear someone else yawn, for example, on the phone.
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