My own experience and the experience of couples I know show that both a joint vacation and a separate one can separate and unite a couple. Life is amazing. So you went to a resort with your man, and there a situation arose: you, for example, overheated in the sun and stayed in your room. Your man went out alone for lunch or for a swim and met a charming beauty. The couple is not immune from such situations, even during a joint vacation.
It happens that the partners do not have the same interests. For example, he wants to go skiing in the mountains, and she doesn't like mountains, she loves the beaches of Italy. Why deprive yourself of pleasure if your idea of rest does not match his? Then, in the presence of mutual respect and trust, you negotiate and relax separately, each for his own pleasure.
Or spend part of the vacation together as a magic couple, then it’s his turn to relax with the child, and you go, for example, to a yoga workshop. Or, for example, your husband loves to relax in the village with his parents - to drag hay with his father, to go fishing with the men. And you do not like the village: these mosquitoes, these seedlings, why do you need it? You should not rape yourself for the sake of your beloved husband. You can come to the village for a couple of days to say hello, and then relax, taking into account your interests.
There is still a tendency in our society when the wife is resting with the children, and the husband is alone and alone. This alienates the man from the family. And in this case, he, as a getter, becomes in the position of the main one, and only his interests are respected. But now the time is completely different: a woman works on an equal basis with a man, she invests the same work in the development of the family, she has the right to share responsibilities at home and raising children, as well as to rest as she wants.
There are several options for spending a joint vacation:
you can combine a separate vacation with a joint one. Couples who have children, out of 24 days of vacation, can rest for two weeks together (with the children, or leaving the children to their grandmother or nanny), then for 10 days they can rest separately from each other;
a vacation option, when the husband and wife are resting separately, but with the people who connect them. For example, a wife goes on vacation with her children and her mother, or with the children and her husband's sister.
As the practice of family relations shows, love and passion are hard to keep after many years of marriage. But you can maintain mutual respect and trust in each other regardless of how you relax - together or separately.
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