Ukrainian symbols. flag history.
id: 10045960

Flag story:
Most of the flags of the ancient Slavs resemble elongated triangles in shape and were painted in red and green colors. After the adoption of Christianity, they became religious attributes, mainly images of saints and patrons of princes, these symbolizing belonging to the faith. Four-cornered panels began to appear during the times of feudal fragmentation. They were decorated with braids and images of crosses, princely signs, some had a trident. The predominant color remained scarlet. With the appearance of Cossack villages, a new stage began in the heraldry of national Ukrainian symbols. Despite the fact that most of the flags were red and crimson, there is a mention in the history of writings about the blue and yellow colors of the Cossack banners. In the XVIII century. such were the Lubensky and Poltava regiments, and in the exposition of the museum of the city of Dnipro, a similar flag is on public display.
There are several more assumptions about the origin of the Ukrainian flag. One of them is associated with the transition of individual Cossack regiments to the side of the Swedish king Charles during the Peter the Great Wars. He allegedly gave them to the defectors. However, it was not possible to find supporting documents. One version tends to copy the state symbol of the Lviv coat of arms, which consisted of a gilded lion on a blue field.
