The real one.
id: 10046790

That's what I am. This is my defining quality. I do not know how and do not want to wear masks. I don't want to appear. I want to be. Alive. Natural. So that no one will fully understand me. I do not strive to be correct and ideal for someone. I have life here, emotions, and sometimes continuous electric shocks to death, not cinema. There is no place in my life for a mathematically correct montage of measured plans. In the cinema, everything is perfectly calculated to the smallest detail and is perfect to suffocation. This does not happen in real life. Sometimes she is scary, cruel, and her stories are not always happy endings. But these ups and downs, wounds and scars, disappointments and terrible pain are also part of you. And this must be understood.
Understand that through these trials you grow and in each of your stories you have the right to be real - to be strong and weak, obstinate and proud, smear mascara on your cheeks and laugh out loud. The right to be silent if you don’t feel like talking, the right to get up and leave if you’re no longer interested. You have the right to love and desperately hate to the point of madness. Do not give in to training and do not hold anyone. Decide who to ignore, and who to give a second chance, who to forgive, who to erase from the heart forever. Someone to burn with cold, someone to heal with tenderness. With whom to be. And who should not be allowed to get a cannon shot. The right to be multifaceted and whole. To keep distance. Establish laws. Not to imitate, but to make your own choice and be responsible for it.
Be anything - strong, passionate, strict, sexy, desperate, principled, daring. But never lose your dignity. Live in the moment. Here and now. Because there will be no other life. It's not a shame. Feel not ashamed. Love with all your heart, forgive from the heart. Cry when it hurts. Find strength in hate.
It's not a shame to be yourself. It's a shame to allow myself to be branded for it. It is a shame to be dead in life and suffocate from lies. It's a shame to break a comedy and yourself for the sake of someone. It’s a shame to be afraid of judging those whose opinion you didn’t even ask.
I realized that it is very important to learn to love yourself. Not trying to please anyone. Be honest with yourself. Choose people who match your upbringing, morality, intellect, goals and values. Protect yourself from unnecessary disappointments.

Respect yourself. Change. Grow morally. Show character. I don't care what those people say behind your back who never dare to look you in the eye when they meet. It is more important to correspond to yourself, and not to the standards of people who will never fit into your coordinate system, will not grow to your level of development. Learn to cherish and preserve your soul. Become wrong for others and happy for yourself. Don't be afraid of being alone. Immediately cut off all unnecessary, empty, fake, not corresponding to you. Create your own world in which you will be the queen. And if someone does not like him, let him live in another.
