Negative phrases that it's time to stop saying to yourself
id: 10044831

Are you redoing an important project for the third time? I can't figure out what is written in the textbook? Have you decided to do something new? At such moments, it is not difficult to doubt your intellectual abilities and reward yourself with some offensive epithets.

But instead of scolding yourself, try using more gentle phrases. For example, "I have strengths and weaknesses. Programming is really hard. We will have to devote more time and effort to this."
Otherwise, you really will eventually convince yourself that you are not brilliant-and thus cut off your path to interesting projects and new knowledge.

2. " I'm a loser! I can't do anything"
Usually we say this when we are tired and the world appears in very dark colors. At such moments, one last little thing is enough to lower your hands and exclaim: "Why am I always unlucky!"

Try to replace such expressions with a more neutral version: "Yes, there are ups and downs in my life. But I'm doing just as much as I can, and as well as I can at the moment."

3. "It's all my fault"
Sometimes we try to push the responsibility onto others, and sometimes we go to the other extreme and start blaming ourselves for all our own, and at the same time, other people's, troubles. This is unconstructive and can permanently spoil the mood and destroy motivation. Try saying, "There is a role for me in what happened. But I am only responsible for my actions and decisions, not for the whole situation»

4." They probably think that I... "
Oh, this is our eternal delusion-to consider ourselves the center of the universe and think that everyone around us cares very much about how we look, what we say and do. All this, of course, comes from self-doubt: we, in fact, attribute our own thoughts to others.

And even if some outsiders really don't like you, it doesn't mean anything. So replace the worrisome "They think I'm... "with this statement:" They can think whatever they want, it's their right. But their opinion is only their opinion, it doesn't say anything about me."

5. " I am a lazy person and a procrastinator»
It happened to everyone: I was going to work, I went to the Internet to search for important information, link after link — and now three hours have passed, and you are reading about Kim Kardashian's plastic surgery or watching a documentary about a dropfish.

After that, anyone will be overwhelmed with guilt: why, I should have been doing something useful, and instead... I'm lazy, dull, and passive, I'll never get anywhere. Only this self-flagellation will not make anyone feel better.

It is the feeling of guilt that is one of the reasons for prolonged procrastination. We waste time, then blame ourselves for it and think that the day is already ruined and it is pointless to get down to business. Therefore, it is better to replace non-constructive statements with something like " Today is just such a day, I needed to rest. And tomorrow I'll catch up."
