The first step to a happy union is the ability to choose the person with whom you want to spend your life, based on mature ideals and values. The point here is not in age, but in the psychological readiness of partners — to accept themselves and the other as they are, to be responsible, to adequately perceive reality, to manage their emotions, to be able to be grateful.
When two adults meet, they can realistically assess what they need in life besides passionate love. They plan their family and professional future. They are able to withstand the stress that arises during periods of job loss, financial distress, health problems — and at the same time not to reproach each other, not to destroy love with claims, irritation, resentment.
It happens that the rejection of material goods becomes a conscious choice: downshifters go to live in the village or in Goa to free up time for creativity and a productive life. If both partners share these beliefs and have agreed on how long they plan to live in a shelter, then what will prevent it from becoming a paradise?
When a family is created by partners with high expectations and infantile attitudes, who ignore the difference in their own goals and values, this is a project with a predictable and sad outcome. Soon it turns out that their ideas about life are radically different: one wants to live in a metropolis and work in a large company, and the other — in a small village and raise bees. He needs a business associate, and she "must have a child before the age of 40." Or the balance in the relationship is disturbed when someone in a couple has to "drag the family cart" alone. And money difficulties can not be compensated by care, loyalty, support.
So "paradise in a hut" is a relative concept. As, in fact, "the rich also cry". A union in which the partners retain their individuality and are able to find a compromise can be effective on any living space.
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