Appearance is so simple and so unimportant. No, not completely unimportant, of course, but you can adapt. There are no necessary features in appearance, there are only preferred ones. If about preferences, then dark hair is better than light, fullness is better than thinness, hair is better than smooth skin. Height? It is hard to say. By itself, probably not important. However, there is an opinion that short men have too many complexes to be easy to live with. Personally, in my story, there was only one small person, and he confirmed this opinion by an iron hundred percent. But who knows - maybe I was just unlucky, and a huge number of undersized men are wonderful both in communication and in life. I do not know. In general, appearance is almost irrelevant if the rest of the items on the list are the same.
Sense of humor. I hate boring people. Probably, the mind should also be included here. To clarify - for me, the mind is not equal to the ability to solve crossword puzzles. If a person who has no idea about graphic design knows that I am a designer, but still opens his mouth and begins to prove to me how and how not to do this or that, then, IMHO, he is just stupid, even if he is will solve ten crosswords when I have not solved one.
I hate cruelty to animals.
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