Jealousy itself is a normal feeling that at least once in your life, but every person experiences. And we all know that male jealousy and female jealousy are two big differences. Why? It's not just the reaction of men and women to possible infidelity, but also the origins of jealousy itself. The consequences, as life shows , are also completely different, because sometimes this feeling makes people lose their temper and do bad things. At the same time, it is jealousy that can show the true face of each of the partners.
But who is more susceptible to this feeling – men or women?
Female jealousy:
Of course, women and men are not only physiologically different, but also psychologically-emotionality, way of knowing the world, behavioral stereotypes, and many others. This also applies to jealousy. Because women experience jealousy much more emotionally than men. This is their nature.
A significant difference is that a man is afraid of losing the so-called power over his partner, while a woman is afraid of losing the love of a man. It is to become unloved - that is the greatest fear for a jealous woman. Therefore, no matter what anyone says, but women's jealousy was, is and will be! And there is not a single woman in the world who has never experienced this feeling. Just some of them skillfully disguise it.
Female jealousy is expressed in the fear of losing not only male attention, but also the man himself. She's afraid that someone else will take her place. A woman in suspicion will look for any evidence of infidelity – phone calls, correspondence, the smell of a rival's perfume on men's clothing, and much more. That is, women are jealous of a man specifically for another woman. This is the first difference between male and female jealousy.
The second difference is that female jealousy can live inside and accumulate for years. At the same time, in general, it is terrible both for the woman herself and for the rival, to whom the man is jealous. But for a man, female jealousy is not so dangerous, since it will cost him several hours or days of aggressive attacks and, possibly, threats. Because, it is logical that a woman will terrorize her man with attacks and suspicions about possible infidelity. However, a woman is hardly capable of more decisive actions because of this very jealousy.
Male jealousy:
The emergence and course of male jealousy is not as rapid as in women. Therefore, everything is simpler and clearer here. A man is jealous of his woman when she openly flirts with another man, accepts attention from others, prefers bright makeup and provocative clothes. Suspicions also begin to creep in when a woman begins to buy new outfits, especially underwear, changes her hairstyle, starts going to the gym or attending some events without it. That is, the male brain is signaled about jealousy by what he sees. Women's jealousy is dictated mainly by the depth of their own imagination and analysis.
Another male jealousy occurs if a woman is interested in something else more than the man himself. It can be not only another competitor, but also her work, hobbies, hobbies. That is, in the case of male jealousy, it is rather about an increased sense of ownership.
As a rule, a man shows his jealousy openly, violently and very emotionally. He can do anything in anger. And often, a man's anger is poured out on the woman herself and less often on the one to whom he was jealous of her. For a man, the realization that a woman no longer loves him is even less traumatic than the information that she had physical intimacy with another man.
How to get rid of jealousy?
The main way to get rid of jealousy is - trust between a man and a woman. If it is, then no jealousy is terrible. Of course, it may originate somewhere in the depths of the soul, but a sober approach to considering the situation that made you jealous can help.
The only question is that men, as less emotional, can overcome the desire to express their dissatisfaction immediately, and consider the situation calmly and make a decision later. Women tend to immediately throw out all the emotions and break off the relationship, without understanding the situation. Then you should remember the basic golden rule for any relationship - treat others the way you want them to treat you!
First, you must fully trust your partner. We need to talk to each other, talk about our feelings, thoughts, and find out all the problems. Maybe you just need to start your relationship with a clean slate. Secondly, you need to try to get rid of the feeling of fear of losing a partner and being alone. Loneliness is not a sentence and has its advantages. And, thirdly, it is always necessary to deal with self-doubt. It makes a person complex, and, as you know, all other psychological problems are born from complexes.
With jealousy, you can and should fight, otherwise it can destroy not only the relationship with your loved one, but also your life as a whole. Only in a confidential, open dialogue with your partner about your feelings can you dispel all doubts. And, of course, you should always remember that both partners are responsible for the relationship! Take care of each other!
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