A woman in adulthood is a juicy fruit with a full range of beneficial vitamins and taste. She knows what and who she wants. It is in adulthood that a woman discovers a new self. She begins to choose the best, because the worst, as a rule, happened to her and there, back, no longer pulls.
A mature woman is not in an "active search" - they are already looking for her. They are looking for it because it is real, unique and unlike a standard doll with a "set" for seduction. She has a sharpened look, sensitive hearing and gentle hands. She sees through and through the rotten insides of the next consumer, thanks to which she bypasses this rake a mile away. She does not care about social norms, prohibitions, permissions - she is her own LAW and FULFILLMENT.
A mature woman is not “steaming” about branded clothes - absolutely everything looks harmonious on her. It is important for her that she personally likes it and there is creativity in this that men pay attention to. She is amazingly beautiful because she loves herself, her body, her way of life. Leisurely enjoys every day, feeling the rhythm, carefully arranging it to taste / color / smell ...
A mature woman is friends with time and appreciates it. She is not afraid to experiment, take risks, lose ... She is interested in everything from travel to learning programming. She does everything, regardless of the result. She clearly understands that she has reached such a level of ripeness, at which it is time to take everything from life.
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