Do you want to become the ideal wife, the woman of man's dreams? You should not dissemble and say "no", because it is wonderful to keep your beloved man's interest in yourself for many years. In the end, our whole family life is a long way to this image of the ideal wife, woman. It is a pity that one finally comprehends this science by old age.
So, it makes sense to arm yourself with the wisdom accumulated by women of many generations and, for a start, find out which women men consider ideal, and what an ideal wife is in principle, and then, think and decide what exactly you need to master in order to meet these criteria ...
Many polls, tests, studies have shown that an ideal figure and stunning appearance do not have such a decisive importance for men as a woman assumes. The main thing for them is inner calmness, non-aggressive confidence. The three most important qualities that men value in women are independence, femininity, understanding. Naturally, in order to become an ideal wife, you need to think about how to cultivate such qualities in yourself, if you still do not possess them.
It is no coincidence that with some women men feel confident, calm, at their best - harmonious! And with others, as if on a hot frying pan, all the time in tension and anxiety.
So, what is she - an ideal woman, an ideal wife?
The ideal wife always looks great, so all the men around them secretly dream of having one next to them.
The ideal wife is cordial and welcoming with everyone, but she knows how to make her man always feel that he is the best, the most beloved.
The ideal wife respects a man's personal space and knows where to stop so as not to offend his feelings.
The ideal wife does not bother with stupid questions, because she understands the man well enough to make a decision on her own.
The ideal wife is smart, it is pleasant to appear with her in any society, without fear of whining and inappropriate behavior.
The ideal wife has a healthy sense of humor (feeling where the game ends and reality begins).
The ideal wife keeps children, parents and girlfriends at the right distance (she understands how much a man needs to communicate with them).
It seems that everything is simple, but it should be noted that men have difficult requirements. In addition to what an ideal wife should be, men list a number of qualities that annoy them especially in women. Which ones?
Well, for example: even the most non-jealous men really do not like it when their wives flirt with their friends. If light flirting with strangers can still go unnoticed, then coquetry towards close friends annoys and makes you angry. Moreover, it is difficult to stop this, from a male point of view, an outrage: it is difficult to put a friend in his place, and to reprimand his wife is a guaranteed scandal.
Men do not like very much when their wives make comments to them. If in private they somehow endure such things, then in someone's presence such reproaches and comments enrage them literally. Still, their masculine qualities are questioned, and their dignity is humiliated.
Men often do not understand why, having made a mistake once, women can repeat the same mistake over and over again. At the same time, they completely do not pay attention to the valuable recommendations and advice that men are trying in vain to impose on them. To be honest, women, due to their increased emotionality, are not always able to soberly assess the situation, therefore, it may be worth at least sometimes pretending that you agree with your husband.
Men also hate the unsightly look in which women go to bed. The spouse is especially disliked by the face shiny from the greasy cream, as well as the curlers sticking out on the wife's head. It is clear that you need to take care of yourself, but it is wiser to do it in the morning or so that the man is not a constant spectator of all female cosmetic tricks.
The eternal demands of women to be affectionate, gentle, constantly talking about love, especially while their husbands read newspapers or watch a sports program, bring men to a state of insanity. At this time, you can run into a lot of statements that will be difficult for you to digest. So choose a reasonable time for tenderness - your mood and family happiness will only benefit from this.
If you don't want to ruin your day off, don't start spring cleaning in front of your husband. There are two options: either do it when your husband is not at home, or make an appointment in advance and involve him in the process. Otherwise, scattered things, dust in a column, the inability to move freely around the apartment cause men to associate almost with the end of the world.
What else do men dislike? They hate it when women talk on the phone for a long time, when they dig and gather for a long time, when they are forced to go shopping for hours.
And they also hate it when wives stay overnight with unmarried girlfriends. Even the most non-jealous man begins to imagine all sorts of passions. And they are especially afraid of rift.the influence of a friend who is not burdened with family debt, who, if she is not able to lead you astray, then she will definitely be able to criticize him, your faithful, to smithereens.
It seems that the list is so long, but there are still many female shortcomings. But here it is already worth listing individual requirements in accordance with the individual character traits of your husband. And, by the way, if a man is patient, understanding, he is able to forgive and not notice a lot. Although, it is wiser not to test his patience. In the end, it will make it easier and better for you!
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