Why you should love yourself
id: 10039541

Do you love yourself? Answer this question honestly to yourself.
If you think about it, many people think that loving yourself is selfish, and being selfish is not good and not right...
In fact, self-love is the most correct decision you can make. After all, healthy self-love is not selfishness at all. Loving yourself does not mean not loving everyone else...
We can love our relatives and friends, treat others kindly, and this does not in any way prevent us from loving ourselves.
If a person loves himself, then the people around him love him. And the most important thing is to love yourself for who you are, to love your uniqueness and individuality.
People who love themselves are in harmony with themselves, they calmly and confidently walk through life, they radiate joy and happiness, and this is what they receive in return.
Due to the lack of love for oneself, due to the inability to love oneself, people have many complexes. If a person does not have love for himself, because he believes that this is not good or selfish, then such a person most likely believes that others should be loved, and not himself. Only as a result of such thinking, he risks living a life in which it will be good for everyone except him, because he will lose his individuality, and will not act as he wants, but so that it will be good for others.
As you can see, the inability to love yourself can lead to a variety of unpleasant consequences, and self-love, on the contrary, can completely change your life, magically transform it for the better.
Love yourself, accept yourself as you are, love your individuality and originality!
