id: 10010154
Why do men need wives? Why do they keep looking for it using even international dating services? Because it is suitable, because you can find out a woman you like even without standing up from your chair and sipping a fruit cocktail. But why then a man wants to find not only a woman but a woman who will become a wife for him?

Let’s think about this step by step. First reason for having wife can be explained by desire of a man to have somebody who will cook for him, take care of him, who will wash his clothes and do a laundry. This reason can be easily deleted because for all those things a wise thinking man can hire a housekeeper and will not bound himself by obligations.

Another possible reason for having a wife that can come on mind is having constant sexual relation with a woman. Why then a man will need marriage? No, I can’t agree with this and those possible reasons that always come with a word “marriage”.

Marriage is not a business deal between a man and a woman, it is not an exchange of “You do a favor for me and I'll do a favor for you”. It is an official commitment to which people come when they are ready to do a next step in their relation and to create a family. And how a real family can be without love and respect to each other?

So, I suppose men need wives for the same reason as women need husbands. We all need to be with our soul mates, to whom we can open our hearts and our inners worlds. Sexual relation is not the most important thing in the world. Sex can be good but you still can be strangers for each other.

To make a proposal to your beloved one and to name her a wife in the future is a serious step and men should not do it not cause they need a housewife or somebody to heat up their beds… It is pointless… Such relations can’t last long.

Choose a wife who will be your best friend, who will hug you when you feel bad or despaired, who will meet you with a kiss every evening and to whom you will hurry every day from work. Choose a wife to whom you will still feel affection many years after yours first date, with every look of whom you will feel your heart flattered and to whom you will feel constant desire not to let her go (even from a bed))).

No life without such wife!
