I do not know how much more time must pass before men in our country finally begin to treat women not as a piece of flesh, but as a person. When will they stop looking for meat for pleasure, the mother-womb of their offspring, and will begin to appreciate a person with whom it is interesting in life and not afraid to grow old? When will they not sing a beautiful rap about the soul, but sincerely seek this soul in someone's eyes? And it seems to me that women themselves should influence this perception. You should not allow yourself to be disrespectful, as long as there is a man nearby. You cannot be led on stupid jokes, laugh, if not funny, and tolerate something that you simply cannot tolerate. If you don't respect yourself, no one will respect - that's for sure. Unfortunately, there are too few men who respect women simply because they are raised that way. There are negligible few who are able to recognize in a woman an equal, intelligent and talented person - a partner.
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