Is men cheating more often than women cheating?
id: 10047646

they say that men are polygamous by nature and therefore more prone to infidelity! but is it really so?
I think this is an absolutely incorrect statement.

it is wrong to talk about polygamy only on the basis of gender.
if a person is in love, then he will be devoted to his second half to the end.. if this relationship has any meaning for him or her..

but if a person is really not in love, then subconsciously he or she will look for someone new to get this feeling of euphoria!😍😍😍😍

so I'm sure that polygamy is not inherent in all men in any way.
polygamy is a choice of every person. to be with one or to be constantly on the lookout.

what do you think about this?
are you polygamous or are you still monogamous?:)💋💋💋

