This snow-white animal is called Vaska... I don't know which of us also stuck the affectionately joking "Vasyura" to him, but it stuck. Vasyura has long ago put all the dots over the " And "in the apartment and clearly "explained" to everyone who is the true OWNER here!
This is a charmingly impudent creature! His green cheeky eyes follow your every step, but as soon as you turn to him, he immediately defiantly turns away and slowly moves away in the direction he needs with the imposing gait of an Odessa sailor. We laugh at him: well, only a cigar is missing in his teeth!
For example, he believes that the chairs in the house should belong exclusively to him, Vasyura, or, at least, to everyone in a brotherly way. Seeing how someone invades his territory, that is, dares to sit in a chair, he begins to slowly but surely squeeze himself in there, trying to push the person sitting.
But what a cunning creature this is! That's what I came up with ! In order for him to freely take possession of a "reserved seat", he climbs under a wool blanket on a chair and, in full confidence that he has not been exposed, calmly settles down there to rest. However, periodically one ear and the corner of a cunning eye protrudes from under the blanket, which carefully assesses the situation.
Like any child, Vasyura loves to play. As a particularly favorite toy with him... kitchen wallpaper (!), which has recently acquired in places, to put it mildly, a very sad and shabby look! If we take into account that the energy flows from Vasyura, as from an atomic reactor, then it is not difficult to imagine all the true "exoticism" of the picture! But this does not bother Vasyura at all, because he absolutely does not feel any guilt for himself. These stupid owners can not understand in any way that for him, Vasyura, the most exciting activity is to fly up in one second on the hostess's jacket to the shelf under the ceiling, where there are many interesting things (gloves, berets, hats), and then send them out into free flight!
Vasyura has a brutal appetite, but, as they say, "it's not food for a horse"! Vasyurin's father, the neighbor's huge cat Diman," gave " him a high and long torso, like a bicycle, as a legacy. So our cat slowly but surely began to look more and more like a bicycle. His greed when swallowing food knows no bounds!. It is not clear just how all this fits into it and where does it go?!
Vasyura does not know how to walk. He's flying! Moreover, at such a speed that sometimes it is impossible to immediately track the trajectory of its "flight". And along with him, of course, everything that falls into the circle of his stormy "activity"flies. Ugo flights are usually pumped up by clearing the table of excess dishes and an exotic procession of a broom behind it. He is already watching this procedure with interest from under the bed, from where it is very difficult to get it.
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