Not all cereals are created equal.
If the cereal is devoid of a grain shell containing vitamins and minerals, and is strongly evaporated or crushed, then except for calories it brings practically nothing to the body. In addition, there is almost no fiber in such cereals, and it is absorbed faster than other cereals - and, therefore, the feeling of hunger after porridge returns faster.
What are the types of porridge?
Viscous and crumbly. Viscous porridge is cooked from crushed grain - in water, milk and even broth. It retain a lot of liquid, it give an instant feeling of satiety, they are quickly and well absorbed - for example, oatmeal, barley and corn porridge. From friable cereals, water is completely evaporated, as, for example, in buckwheat, millet or pearl barley porridge. Such cereals are absorbed more slowly than viscous and leave a feeling of fullness for a longer time.
So, bon appetit! It will be interesting for me to know your recipes))
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