It was distorted, overly bright or contrasting, and sometimes even gloomy. The artists tried to depict not so much objects and events as to convey their mood and feelings that these events aroused. This is how a new direction in art appeared, which was called expressionism. And it originally appeared in painting, when like-minded artists united and created their art groups. Then expressionism appeared in other areas of art: music, literature, theater.
Expressionism made its way to cinema after the war. They immediately started talking about it as an outstanding and innovative event. Films with grotesque scenery unusual for that time and gloomy, eerie plots shocked the audience and at the same time became very consonant with the mood that soared in society. Cinema Expressionism was followed all over the world. And it appeared in the same place where expressionist artists and actors from the theater troupe took part in the work on films. This theater became famous for its experiments in stage decorations and acting style. It was also groundbreaking for its time and was described as "mood theater".
Having started to play in expressionist films, the actors of the troupe subsequently gained worldwide fame and became real stars of German cinema. Among them: Konrad Veidt, Emil Jannings, Werner Kraus and Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, who later became a great expressionist filmmaker.
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