I believe that friends play a huge role in everyone's life! After all, these are exactly the people who are always ready to support you and give you a helping hand!!!! True friendship is worth a lot!!!! But is there a friendship between women? Or can they perceive each other only as competitors? There are many versions on this account! However, I adhere to the version that after all, women can and can be friends! However, in order to test female friendship for strength, it takes years!! For me personally, the standard of female friendship is the one in which women are so close that they treat each other like sisters!! In such a relationship, there simply can be no place for lies and betrayal, hatred and envy! In this case, harmony, mutual respect and an excessive sense of sisterly love reigns between people!!! It is such a friendship that I was lucky enough to find in this life and I am insanely happy about it!!!
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