So what are men guided by when choosing a life partner? A woman who is trusted, who is able to provide support and be faithful-these are not all and not always working qualities of a future wife. Of course, the future spouse often must have femininity; here the combination of opposites works. In addition, she should not be a bulldozer in a skirt: it is desirable to become a second mother for her husband, who will caress and cook soup. Many men, although they recognize sharp ladies as attractive, but they will rather introduce a modest woman to their mystery with their parents.The following criteria apply to appearance: a wide smile, plump lips, well-groomed shoulder-length hair, although it can be lower, and eyes-honest and the same color as the partner (statistics say that 50% of men also pay attention to the color of the eyes of the future wife). Another important criterion is the voice. Everyone likes different voices, however, based on scientific research, a woman lowers the timbre of her voice in the presence of a man she likes. And the stronger sex often knows about this and notices it. And the last criterion is a sense of humor, simply because it is not boring to live with a cheerful person.Also, everyone has long known that there is a female and male hormone, such as pheromones, this is what attracts a man to a woman and vice versa by smell. This is a personal fragrance for everyone. And not everyone is suitable for the fragrance of another person. It happens that a man being with one woman next to him goes crazy feeling the aroma of her body, the smell of skin, hair. And in this case, we are not talking about perfumes or any cosmetics. This suggests that this woman is genetically suitable for him. And he will be fine with her.
The situation is more complicated with women! So what are women guided by when choosing their second half?
It is naive to believe that women choose men exclusively at the behest of their hearts and the call of their souls. This, of course, to some extent matters, but the older and wiser a woman becomes, the less and less it is taken into account.
Quite understandable, calculable and practical things that can be counted and evaluated begin to come out on the first role. This, in general, is what women do when choosing a man. They strive to get the best man from those who paid attention to them (it reminds the program about animals, isn't it?).
Therefore, if you want to get the best girl for yourself, you need to show the best result.
It is for this reason that in adolescence, the most popular are the "bad guys" who demonstrate their strength and dominance in relation to others. Girls perceive them as the strongest, which means that they unconsciously choose them.
Any deviations from this principle of strength are possible only in the case of a strong emotional dependence of a woman on a man, but even they pass over time, and the woman will be in the "search" for a stronger man.
There is also a social basis for a woman's choice
Until a certain period of time, physical strength and health were the main competitive advantages of a particular man, but in the course of the development of society, they began to be replaced by social advantages. And now, to provide your family with all the benefits, you need not muscles, but more cunning and speculative mechanisms.
Now women began to pay attention to the possibility of a man to exert his influence on others and receive the maximum amount of material and spiritual benefits. In other words, for whom the power and money are more desirable.
For this reason, after 18-20 years, girls switch from physically strong to socially strong. They begin to understand that it is much safer and more reliable to be with someone who has money than with someone who has only physical strength.
But again, between the strong and well-off, and just well-off, the girl will choose the first.
A man's perspective
Naturally, there are not enough powerful and rich men for all women. Therefore, women now have to play virtually blindly, basing their choice on such a concept as "Perspective", i.e. the possibility of a man to get money and power over a specific period of time. This can be called a kind of forecast according to a number of principles:
The situation of his family and current material benefits;
Ambitions and character traits.
A man's education and his natural data;
If a woman cannot find an initially rich and influential man, then she begins to be guided by the parameters of a man's perspective. If a man meets her expectations, their marriage develops, and if not, then there are many conflicts up to divorce.
In other words, if a woman understands that her own qualities and characteristics are not up to competing on a common basis for strong and influential men, then she is acting cunningly. She chooses a man with a promising one: that is, he will potentially become rich and influential, but at the moment he still has nothing, which means there is no pack of other women who would hunt him. And then her task is to "keep the pulse" and either leave the sinking ship, or enjoy her ingenuity, living with a rich husband.
Therefore, if you want a girl to choose you, you just need to create an image of a strong male who would dominate her. To do this, you need only 3 things:
Appearance. A good appearance is the key to success for girls. After all, first of all they will evaluate you on it. To do this, you have one good solution: to dress as it is considered cool and stylish at the moment.
Behaviour. Your behavior should be confident, free and even bold in some moments. The girl should understand that you are not afraid of trouble and are ready to go "against the system" if necessary. This can also be called "bad guy" behavior.
Friends and environment. Until the age of 20, girls pay a huge influence on the sphere of communication of guys. The more friends, the cooler the company, the more desirable the guy is. The principle of popularity works here, when no one knows why it's cool, but if everyone wants it, then I want it too.
For example, it is for this reason that guys from large companies and parties have much more girls than quiet singles who sit at home at computers. But again, if then this loner becomes successful and influential, or at least just promising, then the girls will run to him now, and not to former party-goers.
This is such a pragmatic and cynical nature of women. You may not like it, but you still have to take it into account. Good luck.
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