I like going new places very much. There are so many places I have never been to, but would love to go to and see with my own eyes. And of course, there are different ways to get somewhere – by plane, by bus, by train, by ship. By plane is of course the fastest, but I think by train is the most romantic.
Don’t believe me? Take a ride on an overnight train in Ukraine. Lying on the berth, listen to the rhythmic stuttering of the wheels as the train moves forward. That sound is almost like a lullaby. Go out into the narrow train corridor to inhale that special atmosphere, hear the other passengers’ muffled voices, laughing and talking in their compartments.
When the train halts for a short overnight stop, you can go out and have a cup of tea, then hurry back to your compartment. There’s hot water on the train too for everyone to use, it oozes out of a faucet, so you can make instant noodles or coffee with it, but be careful carrying the hot cup back to your compartment.
Lastly, look out the window when on the Ukrainian train. See the beautiful scenery pass by, not too fast and not too slowly – fields, woods, meadows, lakes, mountains. How lovely to share a cup of something warm with your loved one while looking together out of the train window and admiring the landscape to the even pitter-patter of the wheels on the rails!
I love train rides the best. Don’t believe me? Hop on the train and see for yourself.
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