Savor this summer: what's good for sunstroke? there are many questions on this subject here, i am answering.
id: 3096291

Savor This Summer: What's Good For Sunstroke?
There are many questions on this subject here, I am answering. Bülent

Sunstroke is a summer-specific health problem that occurs as a result of being exposed to the sun for a long time without protection and due to an abnormal increase in temperature in the body.

While we spend the hottest days of the summer, this danger is always valid for all of us while many of us go on holiday to hot resorts. Especially during the hours when the sun's rays are at their strongest, staying under the sun for long hours without protection and the body's inability to lose enough fluid to return to its normal temperature can lead to sunstroke.

So, let's learn together about the symptoms of sunstroke, which is more common especially in children and the elderly, and what is good for sunstroke.

Symptoms of sunstroke

When sunstroke is severe, it is a very dangerous health problem that can even result in death. Therefore, if you see these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately.

Body temperature rises to 40 degrees or more
nausea and vomiting
dry and sore skin
muscle cramps
rapid heartbeat, palpitations
Severe headache, weakness, fainting
An irresistible urge to sleep
What is good for sunstroke?
First of all, it is necessary to remember that sunstroke is a serious problem that requires medical control and to know that early intervention can save lives.

Until you go to the doctor, taking a shower with cold water, lowering the body temperature and taking plenty of fluids can relax the person. In addition, the following foods will also alleviate the effects of sunstroke. But as we said, these will provide temporary relief. In case of sunstroke, you must seek medical help.

onion juice
You can use onion juice to lower body temperature. Crush the onion to extract the juice and with this water wipe the forehead, back of the neck, knuckles, behind the ears.

apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used to alleviate the effects of sunstroke, as it will replenish the electrolytes lost in the skin due to the sun. You can try adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and consuming this mixture.

While drinking buttermilk alleviates the symptoms of sunstroke such as dizziness, applying yogurt to the body will also reduce body temperature. You can also consume the following mixture: Add two tablespoons of yogurt to a glass of water and add salt and cumin and mix.

Another relaxing solution is coriander, which relaxes the body and stops nausea and vomiting. For this, it is enough to crush the coriander and extract its juice, add a pinch of sugar into it and consume it after mixing.

Vegetable oils
You can also benefit from vegetable oils to alleviate excess heat in the body. Mix a few drops of peppermint oil, a few drops of lavender oil and two tablespoons of olive oil. Then apply this mixture to the back of the neck, wrists and ankles and rub.
