Which is better: bitter truth or sweet lie??
id: 10045501

Because no matter how hard we try, in most cases, lies are eventually revealed. After all, when creating a legend, you need to take into account a lot of details for its plausibility, which is quite difficult. Any, the most insignificant trifle can give out a deception. Moreover, it is much more difficult to come up with a truly plausible story than it may seem at first glance.

Even if no one ever finds out the truth, lying brings anxiety and fear that the lies will be discovered. This is called remorse. Some people will be tormented by their conscience all their lives, others only for a couple of days. It all depends on the significance and size of the lies. But this fear of the unknown, which conscience throws you "under the pillow" can get even in a dream. There is a certain paranoia, which in most cases ends with a few minutes of shame and a burning sense of shame. It's hardly worth the moments of relief that you feel after your lies are not told right away.

And yet, every action causes a reaction. More precisely, what kind of crime, such a punishment. If the lie is discovered, the liar will be punished. Perhaps not in the way that your mother usually punishes you as a child, putting you in a corner, or somehow financially, for example, depriving you of the opportunity to eat ice cream after lunch. You will simply fall in the eyes of a person, and you will lose the most important part of good relations between people – trust, which is much more difficult to earn again than to acquire when meeting.

Everyone likes to hear the truth, but not everyone is happy to tell it. Perhaps lying is sometimes necessary, but only in exceptional cases. Be sure to remember that to lie means to commit a negative act, which is certainly not worthy of praise. Of course, the truth is bitter and not pleasant. Having told the truth, you do not know how you will be treated after it, rejected or accepted with open arms, so it is much more difficult to do this than just inventing a profitable story for yourself. But if the lie is revealed, it will be much worse, and after telling the truth, you will be able to breathe easy, forgetting about everything that happened, so we can say with confidence that the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie.
