You dear men have evolved a lot lately, and apparently have forgotten mother nature. Nature has laid down that a man is a breadwinner and a woman is a guardian of the family hearth. And it is the man, as a stronger partner, who takes the first steps and actions to meet a woman. This does not mean that only a woman has the right to choose, it means that you are becoming more and more lazy in relation to a woman. You expect that she will be the first to find you and will do everything herself, write, call, come ... Then over time you wonder why women take your rights away and why they have become less gentle towards you, less affectionate and not as defenseless as were once. The answer is simple. You yourself raised them that way. But this is not a problem only for men. A woman who was born a little girl in such a family, she subconsciously understands that in this world she needs to be strong, otherwise she will not be happy. And often women themselves make a rag and nonentity out of a good man and then complain that he can do nothing. I urge you to reconsider your stereotypes and try to learn to talk to each other. After all, many couples disperse precisely because they have not learned to talk about anything in this life. More and more often we look at the appearance less and less on the soul. We often look at the wallet and look less at what kind of education, what kind of knowledge base. More often we think about how good it is in bed with him or her, and less about how to spend a wonderful autumn sad rainy day together over a cup of fragrant tea near the fireplace in warm embrace and wonderful conversation.You can, of course, feed a person with "breakfasts" for a long time and assume that he will always eat them with appetite. "Wait, everything will be fine soon", "The day will come and we will be together", "I'll come when I'm free", "Dream, dreams always come true" - and so on blah blah blah. Of course you can. Just do not be surprised that due to the lack of actions that support all these beautiful and inspiring words, one day these monotonous "breakfasts" will displease a person, and he will stop eating them. And that's all. He will close his heart from vain hopes and turn over the last page in the book of fairy tales about irresistible circumstances. For no matter how beautiful the words are, they do not work without actions. Your Olga!
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