How to do her justice, to love her
id: 289190

Faced with all a woman can offer and often offers to a man,
her mind, personality, beliefs, values, interests, tastes, likes (and dislikes) (concerning people, activities, things), qualities (traits), talents (social, artistic, sport), her past, family, education, experience, maturity, achievements, dreams, playfulness, heart, soul, body,
a man feels like he has to be at his best for her, he has to sort of surpass himself for her
Sure, he can and should bring her physical, sexual pleasure, satisfaction
But he can and should bring her more than that
He can and should try to be a very good friend, in addition to a lover, to her
A partner, body mate, heart mate, soul mate, check mate… (What?)
when she’s tired
when she’s sick
when she’s discouraged, sad
when she’d like to be a little, weak girl, to rest her head on his shoulder
when she’d like to turn to him, to trust him
when she’d like to sincerely hear:
you’re beautiful
you’re elegant, stylish
I like your hair, your dress, your jeans
I miss you
I need you
I love you
I broke your toothbrush… (What?)
I never lost a pillow fight... (Sigh...)
when she feels like having fun, laughing
when she wakes up, in the morning
without makeup
without high heels (Have you ever seen a woman sleep wearing high heels? Sigh…)
without her nightgown… (Hey, wait a minute! Sigh… (Wink!))
He should
prepare coffee for her
cook for her
bring her breakfast in bed
bring her bed to breakfast (Hey, you, naughty guy! Sigh…)
wash the dishes (Oh, no, I can’t believe this…)
wash her… (Ohhh…)
Faced with all a woman can offer and often offers to a man,
why does a man feel so discouraged, sad? Sigh… (Wink!)
