Texting is a relatively new way to interact with girls or boys. This type of flirt is clearly the wave of the flirty future, but learning how to do it right is hard. Have you ever received a flirty text message from your sweetheart and stared back at the screen, wondering what to do next? If you're new at text flirting, it may be a little scary or awkward at first. Take it easy! Like all things, practice makes perfect, so here's your big chance to get used to it! Text flirting is simple and fun once you get the hang of it. I've written an article with some flirting ideas to try today and I hope you can get some great tips and tricks to try from it! Keep on reading my article on flirting for some amazing and cute ideas to try out!
1. Mysterious empty message
Maybe this text flirting idea sounds a little absurdity, but just give it a shot! I'm seriously, it works! Send your partner a blank text, and then see what happens. He/she will usually text back and say "I got a blank text from you. What's up?" This is your opportunity to respond with a casual, "Oh, I didn't know I sent you a text! My phone must have been missing you :)" From there, the two of you can engage yourselves in sweet talk!
2. The intriguing picture
This maybe the oldest trick in the book, but that's probably because it works so well! Sending your sweetie a picture of you will get him/her to thinking about you. Make it sweet, crazy, cute or a little sexy, but whatever you do, never ever send nude or partially nude photos of yourself through text. A picture of your gorgeous smiling face is enough to satisfy your man/woman!
4. The disarming compliment
There's no better way to text flirt than to compliment each other on what you like best. Compliment your man's good looks, his athletic abilities, his personality features, or what he was wearing earlier in the day. Don’t forget about your woman's long hair, deep eyes or atypical for women erudition. Each of us love to be adored and admired by his/her sweetheart, so heap on the praise! Just don't overdo it! You don't want to be too sugary sweet. It is important to stop in time. And sometimes even to add a little pepper ;)
5. When the size has no value
When text flirting, always remember this one little tip. It's a useful idea to keep things short and sweet. Men/women aren't usually interested in reading a book, nor do they have the time and patience to sit there and type you a four page response back. So keep your flirting short, sweet and to the point. You can draw it out, texting for hours at a time or even all day-as long as you keep your texts short, you will keep his/her interest as well!
6. Nobody love fools
If there's one thing that drives me mental about text flirting, or texting in general, it's when people don't know how to spell right. Especially for adults! It's hard to be in a flirty mood when the grown-up adult person you are texting is sending messages that you have to encode into your computer to understand! It's disgusting! It's one thing when teens do it, but for adults it should be over-ruled. Keep your flirting mature. That will be appealing on its own level! Get dictionaries from the top shelf of a bookcase. Spell check is very important.
8. For married couples
Here's an idea about flirting! Married couples should still do it! It helps keep the honey in the honeymoon, and the spark in the love life! This is the one instance where sexting might be appropriate. You can still have fun with good old flirting without the innuendo. And you should! Just because there's a ring on your hand doesn't mean you need to let things get boring and predictable. Liven things u with a little text flirting every now and then! Be original
9. Be Yourself
No matter what you do when text flirting, remember to make it YOU. Keep it personal! Don't try to say things uncharacteristic of you, you'll just come off sounding flaky and contrived. You certainly don't want that! Put some of your own style into your messages. Whether it be crazy, spunky, spontaneous or romantic and poetic, make it uniquely yours. Just relax and enjoy! He/she will appreciate that more than anything, and you will feel good about yourself for being able to make him feel good!
When you know how to flirt with a girl/boy over text, you spark her/his emotions better than if you send her a boring, dull text message. The overall mindset you have should be that of a fun, playful, original person. If you lead like that, she/he will follow, and good things will happen.
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