1. Meet everything with a smile.
The more negative the perception of the problem that comes, the harder it will be to solve it. Being sad and resentful won't help, on the contrary, it will take away the strength and energy you need to solve the problem. The worst thing is to get drunk with grief, so as not to think about the difficulties. As a result: in the morning you have a headache, bad breath, and the problem is not solved.
Make it a rule to smile at every problem or difficult task, no matter how silly it may look. It may be difficult at first, but over time you will notice how with this positive approach you will strain less and less, and great ideas for solving problems will come to your mind faster and easier. And help from the world around you will come quicker to a positive person than to a frowning, resentful, or angry person.
2 Get rid of bad thoughts.
The more negative your thoughts, the more negative there is around us. A negative thought has an energy pulse that is 2 times stronger than a positive thought.
Therefore, one must learn to notice every negative thought and stop it immediately, no matter how one would want to feel sorry for oneself or offend at someone/something. It is quite difficult to reconstruct your habitual thinking, and at the very beginning it will be simply unbearable. But soon you will notice how grayness and gloom gradually leave your head, and instead you are filled with harmony and happiness.
3. Get your health in order
A sick person is not interested in anything and does not want anything; he/she needs at least not to be ill. And even if nothing really hurts, a sick person has little energy and strength.
Health is the basis for long-term happiness. A healthy person solves problems much easier, his mind is freer and more transparent. A healthy person is energetic, he freely and effectively puts his decisions into practice. A healthy person lives with pleasure. Be healthy!
4. Don't be afraid of mistakes.
We are all human, we all make mistakes, and if you say that this is not about you, no one will believe you. You can regret, grieve, blame yourself and others, driving yourself into an even deeper pit of problems. Or you can treat them as a learning process. Treat mistakes as a lesson given to you so that you learn to control yourself and the course of events around you. Then after each mistake you will learn something new, you will become stronger, wiser and more successful. And, therefore, happier.
5. Never demand more, don't whine about not having something yet.
Every morning thank the Universe (yes, the Universe!) for what you already have. Many don't have that either, so don't complain.
Besides, if you don't have something now, it doesn't mean you never will. As we saw above, if you have a negative attitude towards what is going on, life will continue to get worse. But with a positive attitude, life will gradually become easier and better. Therefore, it is necessary to want more, to strive for it, and to create it. But do this with gratitude to what you already have, to the Universe and to yourself.
6. Never assume that money will just come in
Don't expect to find a certain amount of money, whether it's 1,000 or 100,000. Money doesn't go to the lazy, get up and go for action!
You can attract money in the following way: imagine adding 20% to your paycheck. Every day think about what you would spend this amount, and it does not matter what it will be, the main thing - set yourself up to think that you can get this money for your work and rejoice in future opportunities. But it is still necessary to do something, to work, to change.
7. No desire to go to work?
There is a way out - you have to change your workplace. If an idea has arisen not to go to work, then most likely you have a negative attitude to the collective or to the work itself. So we're back to the negative thoughts from #2, and we don't want that.
You either need to reconsider your attitude to your current job, finding enough positive things about it that you will enjoy doing it. Or simply find another job you like.
8. Your vacations must be active.
You can not earn all the money, that's why it is necessary to have a rest. And with a change of occupation and with active physical activity. Do not sit alone on the couch with beer, but in the company of close friends on the street. Go in for sports, ride a bicycle, travel. In general, be active!
9. Take time for your hobby
Sometimes we forget what we like to do more than anything else. Not paying attention to our favorite hobby, we bury ourselves in the routine even more, life becomes boring and not interesting.
We need to develop ourselves and not look at the clock when you are absorbed in your hobby. Occupy yourself with something that brings you pleasure. It is when doing something enjoyable that the most brilliant thoughts in other areas come!
10. Get creative
Don't say, "I can't, I have no talent." All the popular artists had those doubts too, but they just believed that they could do it, that they could become popular. Boldly take up poetry, drawing, learn to play a musical instrument. Who knows, maybe you'll eventually become a great poet, artist, musician. And even if you don't, you will definitely have a lot of fun and discover your creativity.
11. Do good to others, share the joy with people
The more positive the people around you will be, the stronger will be the feedback and support. It's not so important how it will manifest itself, whether it's a kiss to your loved one in the morning or help to a homeless person, a gift of a flower from the flowerbed or an expensive piece of jewelry. What matters is the very ability to share with others and the desire to bring them joy and happiness. If you give with a pure heart, the gift will return to you a hundredfold.
12: Dream!
Many people are afraid to dream. Like, why to want something, invent something, if everything is bad anyway. And what if it will not work, then the feeling will be even worse ...
But, not dreaming about our future, we do not imagine how we want it to be, and therefore we can not create what we want ...
Dream! Imagine your happy future. Soak up this approaching joy, fill yourself with future happiness. Notice any positive changes in your life.
Big accomplishments start with a small dream. Free your imagination from the shackles of fear, learn to see the beautiful and interesting in the little things. When was the last time you looked at the clouds and thought about what they are like? By the way, you can do that right now!
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