Stress is not good
id: 10039541

Nowadays more and more people face a problem like stress…
Common symptoms of developing stress include:
- Depression, apathy.
- Sleep disturbances.
- Irritability at the slightest provocation.
- Desire to distance from society.
- Absent-mindednes.
Chronic fatigue, pessimism and others…

Experiencing stress, the human body produces adrenaline. This hormone increases the rate of heartbeat, floats important muscles more oxygen and blood, and also gives strength, allowing better focus. Therefore, sometimes stress can be beneficial to achieve a goal. If a person is systematically exposed to a stress factor, all his organs and systems work hard. As a result, the body is intensively wasting energy, passing into the stage of exhaustion. The consequences of prolonged stress are depression and somatic illnesses. Therefore, it is crucial to note the signs of mental and physical stress, identify its causes and eliminate.

Here are some healthy ways you can deal with stress:
- Communication with people who are strong, optimistic, united by common interests.
- Exercise and sports.
- Support of loved ones.
- Switch to something good, remember happy moments.
- Eat healthy and follow your daily routine.
- External sources of strength (nature, music, books).
-Enjoy life.
Remember, we are strong when we believe in ourselves.
