There are situations when fatigue from the problems of a weekday just knocks off your feet there is a feeling that you will fall asleep quickly, almost instantly as soon as you go to bed. But you can't sleep at night. I can't sleep and that's it! What should I do in such cases? Counting sheep is not the best way to fall into a dream, but rather funny and not real. Let's conduct an experiment. Lying in bed, you need to close your eyes and for a few seconds throw all thoughts out of your head, do not think about anything else. After that, we present ourselves in one of the most pleasant places. Option 1: you are lying in a relaxed state stretched out in a boat in the middle of a quiet lake. There's no one around. Silence. You can only see the blue night sky. Option 2: You are lying in a comfortable hammock, you are warm and cozy. Regardless of the chosen image, you should keep only one thought in your head: do not think about anything! Now slowly and consistently completely relax the muscles of the face, relax the shoulders and arms, relax the chest area on the exhale, then the hips and legs. In this state, sleep should come quickly enough. This exercise may not be obtained immediately, it requires training as in fitness. But after 2-3 weeks, making attempts day after day, or rather night after night, you can learn to fall asleep in just 2 minutes! Shall we try it?
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