According to statistics, the largest number of divorces occurs during the so-called midlife crisis. Often a man who is 40+ begins to feel that he is tired of home life, that he is still capable of a lot, and in order to prove this to himself, he begins to look for love on the side. Sometimes it's just harmless flirting that only strengthens the marriage, but often it comes to divorce. It is done ! What do we have as a result? 1) A man in full dawn of strength, ready for exploits and new achievements; and 2) A woman (no longer young by the standards of society), often with children, who has devoted all of herself to the remainder of her husband and family and has absolutely no idea in which direction and where move on. And then everything depends, specifically, on each of us. You can choose two ways: 1) Close yourself in the house from the whole world, start feeling sorry for yourself, seize your grief, watch tearful films about love and tell everyone around what kind of men are bastards and goats ..... I admit this option for no more 3 days otherwise the consequences can be dire! 2) The second option, as it sounds banal, just pull yourself together and love yourself! But, in no case should someone prove something! And even more so to try to return your ex-husband with tears or persuasion, except for a feeling of irritation, believe me, you will not arouse any feelings in him! What to do ? Look at the situation from a different angle! You are not abandoned, you are free! And 1000 possibilities open up before you! Now you have time for yourself! You can enroll in the courses you have dreamed of for so long! Get a new hairstyle! Buy that short red dress and go on your journey! At 40 years of age, life is just beginning, at first you will be given all this with difficulty, but gradually, step by step, you will learn to love life and love yourself again! Often men, having failed, try to return to their native shores and then it is up to you to decide whether you will accept him back or will confidently go your own way! Many women, by that time, have already found their love. Girls 40 years old, still girls, but they are already experienced, smart and do not waste themselves on trifles! They know how to give and receive love, they do not depend on public opinion! Women over 40 not withered flowers, women over 40 ripe berries in the juice itself! All in your hands ! Catch your luck and remember, before you love someone, you need to love yourself!
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