The following recommendations will help you develop stress resistance:
Monitor the quality and duration of sleep. Poor quality sleep drains the nervous system. In the modern world, many people sleep 5-6 hours a day, trying to save a couple of hours. It slowly but surely destroys the nervous system. Therefore, the first thing to do to increase stress resistance is to start monitoring the quality of sleep and sleep at least 7 hours a day.
Make time for a good rest. You need to make the most of all the opportunities for relaxation, finding interesting activities for each evening. On weekends, it is advisable to get out somewhere out of the house, and a couple of times a year - to go away to disconnect from all thoughts of work.
Find a hobby. Any exciting activity distracts from disturbing thoughts and tidies up the nervous system.
Keep track of vitamins in your diet. In a healthy body healthy mind! And for the body to be healthy, it is necessary to eat right and monitor the completeness of the diet. For the health of the nervous system, the most important vitamins of the B group and vitamin D. Of the minerals, potassium and magnesium are especially valuable.
Don't think about irrelevant issues. Endless reflection does not help solve problems. Think only of the ones you are working on right now.
Don't accumulate negative. Negative emotions are doubly poisonous if stored up for a long time. Leave all negativity in the past, trying to get rid of it completely.
Explore your strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to better understand how to increase stress resistance and in which direction it is worth working on yourself in order to increase self-esteem.
Stop worrying about other people's opinions. Many of our fears and experiences are related to what others think of us. However, you cannot please everyone, so you do not need to torment yourself with the thoughts that others may condemn some act. The main thing is that it matches your own ideas about morality.
Keep a diary. Try to write down events that triggered strong positive or negative experiences in you. Over time, you will accumulate small statistics that will help you understand what brings you the most stress.
Improve yourself, improve your qualifications. Becoming a high-quality professional in your field of activity, you can be sure that you will cope with any task. This will eliminate a large number of stress factors in one fell swoop.
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